For women in professional careers and business to strategically remove any mindset blocks causing overwhelm for important events.

Create an EMPOWERED state of mind to present yourself, your work and your skills with justice!

Want a strategic confidence boost that lasts? ⬇️

I'm in!


I'm in! 🚀

You are a women in a professional career or with a successful business who is pitching at an event, giving a speech, having an interview or appraisal, launching a new product, service or experience…


  • The pressure to perform at this event is causing you to feel anxious, stressed and overwhelmed

  • You are doubting yourself, feeling like an imposter and worrying about it all going wrong

  • The worst case scenario is playing over and over in your mind

  • You are overthinking the details, feeling restless and unable to switch off

And you want to…

  • Show up feeling empowered, self assured and confident in your ability to present yourself, your work and your skills with JUSTICE

  • Let go of the outcome, trusting that you can handle whatever happens

  • Have self belief that you can, will or feel like it is POSSIBLE to succeed and get the results you want

  • Be more in the moment, soaking in your achievement and ENJOY this milestone in your career or business

This ON DEMAND confidence boost is possible after 60 minutes working together!

The Details

Onboarding Survey

Prior to our session I will send you a brief onboarding survey where you can share details about what your event is, where you are feeling stuck and what you hope to achieve by the end of our session. This will allow me show up prepared and ensure you get the most out of your 60 minute session!

60 minute coaching session

I will coach your through all your thoughts, anxieties and worries surrounding your event, helping you to cut energetic ties with overwhelm, doubt and imposter syndrome. You’ll leave your session with a newfound empowered confidence after replacing any unhelpful beliefs that are holding your back and keeping you playing small with new supportive, confident and liberating mindsets. This session will identify the tangible action steps you can implement immediately after our call so that you move into your event feeling confident, calm and collected!

Detailed Action Plan

I’ll share a detailed action plan and session notes of mindset tools, practices and beliefs that are going to sky rocket your confidence before, during and after your event! This will be a document you can refer to time and time again, meaning this confidence boost will LAST a life time!

Session Recording

You can go back and re-watch our session time and time again to remind yourself of what you learnt (and to one day look back on and see how far you’ve come!)

Everyone knows what a confidence boost feels like!

Have you ever worn a new outfit that you felt a little unsure about?

Then someone paid you a compliment and you IMMEDIATELY felt so much more confident wearing it!

THAT’S the feeling you are going to walk away with after 60 minutes working together!

I'm In!


I'm In! 🚀

Imagine what it will feel like when….

You show up to your event feeling total liberation from your overwhelm and self doubt. You believe in yourself & know you can handle whatever happens.

You feel energised by your empowered state of mind. You trust that you are going to present your work, skills and most importantly YOURSELF with justice!

You are feeling validated that you are good enough from your effort over the outcome and results. Meaning you ALREADY feel successful before the event happens!

You have a confidence toolbox in your pocket that WORKS to shake off any nervous, anxious thoughts in seconds.

You confidently hold the attention of the room and feel focused, calm and you are ENJOYING the moment!

Your confidence boost power hour is going to strategically remove any mindset blocks, meaning that you won’t be IMAGINING this happening, you’ll be LIVING this reality!


Onboarding Survey (Value: £50)

Prior to our session I will send you an onboarding survey where you can share details about what your event is, where you are feeling stuck and what you hope to achieve by the end of our session. This will allow me show up prepared and ensure you get the most out of your 60 minute session!

60 minute coaching session (Value: £150)

I will coach your through all your thoughts, anxieties and worries surrounding your event, helping you to cut energetic ties with overwhelm, doubt and imposter syndrome. You’ll leave your session with a newfound empowered confidence after replacing any unhelpful beliefs that are holding your back and keeping you playing small with new supportive, confident and liberating mindsets. This session will identify the tangible action steps you can implement immediately after our call so that you move into your event feeling confident, calm and collected!

Detailed Action Plan (Value: £150)

I’ll share a detailed action plan and session notes of mindset tools, practices and beliefs that are going to sky rocket your confidence before, during and after your event! This will be a document you can refer to time and time again, meaning this confidence boost will LAST a life time!

Session Recording (Value: £50)

You can go back and re-watch our session time and time again to remind yourself of what you learnt (and to one day look back on and see how far you’ve come!)

Total Value: £400

Your Investment



I'm In!


I'm In! 🚀

How Else Can I Work With You?

Free Masterclass

Liberating women who are DONE with their self sabotaging fear of failure so they can take the BIG, bold, brave action and create success they DESERVE!

60 minute content audit & action plan

For the successful women in business who has the strategy, sales and client testimonials BUT you know you are destined for MORE and you want to STAND OUT online!

3 month mindset transformation

From holding yourself back, shrinking yourself and living with the torment of your daily doubt to feeling confident about EXACTLY what you bring to the table and loving your inner narrative!

If you are a women in a professional career or successful business who is pitching at an event, giving a speech, having an interview or appraisal, launching a new product, service or experience but the pressure to perform is causing self doubt, anxiety or overwhelm

And you are READY to strategically remove any mindset blocks so that you can show up to your event feeling energised by your empowered state of mind and present your work, skills and most importantly YOURSELF with justice!

A Confidence Boost Power Hour is for you!

Here’s what’s included:

Onboarding Survey (Value: £50)

Prior to our session I will send you an onboarding survey where you can share details about what your event is, where you are feeling stuck and what you hope to achieve by the end of our session. This will allow me show up prepared and ensure you get the most out of your 60 minute session!

60 minute coaching session (Value: £150)

I will coach your through all your thoughts, anxieties and worries surrounding your event, helping you to cut energetic ties with overwhelm, doubt and imposter syndrome. You’ll leave your session with a newfound empowered confidence after replacing any unhelpful beliefs that are holding your back and keeping you playing small with new supportive, confident and liberating mindsets. This session will identify the tangible action steps you can implement immediately after our call so that you move into your event feeling confident, calm and collected!

Detailed Action Plan (Value: £150)

I’ll share a detailed action plan and session notes of mindset tools, practices and beliefs that are going to sky rocket your confidence before, during and after your event! This will be a document you can refer to time and time again, meaning this confidence boost will LAST a life time!

Session Recording (Value: £50)

You can go back and re-watch our session time and time again to remind yourself of what you learnt (and to one day look back on and see how far you’ve come!)

Total Value: £400

Your Investment



I'm In!


I'm In! 🚀