Confidence coaching for women with successful businesses or professional careers who want to TAKE UP SPACE without censoring who they are and live a life of more fun, fulfilment and ease!

Want to become a DEEPLY self aware leader? ⬇️

You want to…

  • Feel confident about EXACTLY what you bring to the table

  • Feel successful REGARDLESS of the success & money in your business or career

  • Find permission to FAIL and not be on your ‘A’ game all the time

  • Perform BETTER because you are free from imposter syndrome, procrastination or perfecting

  • ENJOY being “in your head” with your encouraging, compassionate inner narrative

  • Have more FUN, fulfilment and ease doing what you do as your authentic self

Whilst your reality is…

  • You have daily doubt questioning if you know enough

  • You’re self sabotaging, feeling like an imposter or have fears about failure, rejection or judgement

  • Appearing confident feels like a PERFORMANCE because you are silently battling the voice in your head

  • You know it’s possible to LOVE what you do but your days are filled with anxiety, stress and overwhelm

  • You highly value doing your best but worry you don’t meet the expectations you “SHOULD” or you risk burning out to get there

  • You’re overthinking, overanalysing & worrying what everyone thinks of you

If you are:

A partner, a CEO or leader in a position of authority

You have created a successful business

You consider yourself a professional at what you do

And you resonate with what I’ve described above

I am so glad you have found me!

Here’s how we can work together…

For successful women in professional careers and business who want to become a deeply self aware LEADER who isn’t afraid to get it wrong, break the rules, speak up to get heard and do things YOUR way!

You will move from FEAR to TRUST in your ability and worthiness to have, hold and even SCALE your success regardless of imposter syndrome, failure, judgement and rejection along the way!

  • 6 x 90 minutes calls & daily voice note support

  • Transformation using my proven signature LEAD framework

  • Learn coaching frameworks that you can use again beyond the coaching relationship

  • Uplevel your mindset towards yourself, success, money and MORE!

60 minute confidence boost & action plan

For women in professional careers and business to strategically remove any mindset blocks causing overwhelm for important events. Create an empowered state of mind to present yourself, your work and your skills with justice!

  • Liberation from your overwhelm, doubt and imposter syndrome!

  • Confidently hold the attention whilst feeling focused, calm and ENJOYING the moment.

  • Action plan with repeatable confidence tools that WORK for you!

  • Access to session recording and notes

60 minute content audit & action plan

For the successful women in business who has the strategy, sales and client testimonials BUT you know you are destined for MORE and you want to STAND OUT online!

  • Audit of your content and profile

  • Clarity on what’s unique about you

  • Liberation to be your WHOLE self online

  • Action plan to be UNAPOLOGETIC sharing why and how you’re incredible at what you do!

  • Access to session recording and notes

Free Masterclass

Liberating women who are DONE with their self sabotaging fear of failure so they can take the BIG, bold, brave action and create success they DESERVE!

  • Learn what failure ACTUALLY means about you

  • The root of what you fear most

  • Find the courage to CHOOSE to fail, get rejected or be judged

  • A special surprise to leave you HIGH VIBE and ready to take action!

Access FREE Masterclass


Freedom To Fail


Access FREE Masterclass 🔥 Freedom To Fail 🔥



Make Your Impact is the podcast for successful women who want to find liberation from self doubt and TAKE UP SPACE by becoming deeply self aware leader's.

With conversations and experts sharing everything you NEED to hear about confidence, overcoming imposter syndrome, fear of failure, judgement and rejection and supportive success and money mindsets.

This podcast is going to help you transform from a "lovely lady" to a LEADING lady. You are going to FEEL as successful as your CV or business looks and find that people perceive you as the authoritative leader you KNOW you are inside!


  • Coaching is about both of us developing a relationship where you have a brave and trusted space to explore your mindset blocks (both the conscious and unconscious), unhelpful rules or assumptions you hold about yourself and the world and confront your self doubt and insecurities.

    We will challenge your mindset, discover patterns or behaviours that are keeping you stuck, explore any ‘what if’ scenario’s to discover what would ACTUALLY happen, hold space to make decisions about what you want and explore your understanding of how to give yourself validation and accept success. You will feel empowered TAKE UP SPACE as the authentic LEADER you are.

    It’s not counselling or therapy (I am not a trained psychotherapist or psychologist). We will not be deep diving into your childhood experiences. We will discuss and acknowledge the past however our coaching conversation is focused on what’s happening in your present and how you are becoming the leader you visualise in the future.

  • I am not a trained business mentor. If your business is at a stage where you are wanting to uplevel your strategy, messaging and sales skills then you need a business coach.

    If you have the strategy, sales and messaging skills and you are creating results in your business BUT it doesn’t feel as good as you imagined it would on this inside, that’s when you need a confidence coach.

    Whilst many business coaches provide good mindset support too, nothing is going to compare to 1:1 undivided attention focusing ONLY on you and your mindset.

    I have a talent for pulling out EXACTLY what you bring to the table, so that you can inject more of YOU into your content, stop playing small and show up as your true authentic self.

    Confidence coaching is going to ensure you feel worthy of having and SCALING your success. After working together you are going to FEEL as successful as your business looks!

  • For established and successful women in business who have the strategy, sales and client testimonials

    But every next big move creates a new cycle of fear of failure, overthinking, worry and doubt, you worry about losing it all more than you believe you are worthy of your success

    And you WISH you could FEEL better!


    For women with successful professional career’s or leader’s in position of authority who have worked hard to progress in their career

    BUT imposter syndrome or self doubt holds you hostage.

    Meaning your career with so much potential to be enjoyed feels like endless days of anxiety, stress and overwhelm and you question whether you are good enough to fulfil your role.

    1:1 mentoring is for you!

  • Someone who isn’t committed to doing the work both inside and outside of sessions. It is an EQUAL partnership and clients who action what they need and check in when they are feeling too stuck te push themselves are the clients who achieve the best coaching outcomes.

    Someone who isn’t available for confronting some uncomfortable truths and beliefs about themselves and how they view the world. This is required to achieve personal growth an development.

    Coaching is not appropriate for serious mental illness or addiction and is not a substitute for formal mental health support.

  • It is because having confidence in yourself, who you are and your worthiness of having and scaling your success and money is going to sky rocket your results!

    However it isn’t business coaching. If you have a skills gap in strategy, your niche, your product suite, messaging and sales then you may want to consider investing in a business coach.

    P.s As a business owner, you never need to “choose” between business or confidence coaching. As you become more established, then will be more opportunities to invest in yourself.

  • I can help you:

    FEEL as successful as your business or career looks

    Stop holding back and elevate your content by showing up as your full authentic self and building YOUR brand

    Feel empowered and confident that you’ll do yourself justice under pressurised circumstances like pitching at events, appraisals or launching your products

    Embrace failure, rejection and judgement throughout your career or building your business

    Feel worthy of having and scaling your success and money in your business or career

    Improve your relationship with yourself, creating ripple effects into EVERY area of your life

    I won’t help you with:

    Strategy, messaging and sales skills

    Building your services suite

    Updating your CV

    Picking your interview outfit!

    Still feel unsure wheher confidence coaching is for you? Message me @emmaeldercoaching

  • Step 1: Take radical responsibility

    Working together will feel like a PARTNERSHIP but it is YOUR transformation. To overcome EVERY block standing in your way of happiness, liberation and fulfilment in what you do, you must take responsibility

    Step 2: Your discovery call

    During this call we will both gain crystal clear clarity on the transformation you desire and exactly HOW my expertise will get you there. After this call you will receive a bespoke proposal for how 1:1 mentoring we will meet your specific needs.

    Step 3: The LEAD framework

    After onboarding, I will guide your transformation using my signature LEAD framework

    Leadership Mindset- During this phase we will gain crystal clear clarity on exactly what you bring the table and the roadmap to move you from where you are to where you want to be

    Energy - This is where our deep inner work begins. We will identify where your inner child is keeping you stuck and cut energetic ties with habits that cause you to overwork and prove yourself or procrastinate/perfect anything that triggers your fear of failure, judgement and rejection

    Abundance - With so much of our self esteem tied up with money it is vital we clear your limiting beliefs about how worthy and deserving you are to have, hold and make MORE money!

    Deep Dive - Reflecting on your progress at the end of our 3 months together is going to leave you feeling so proud. We will funnel your focus towards the future so you can keep the momentum going long past the coaching relationship too!

  • I have 10 years+ experience working as an Occupational Therapist in the NHS, the UK’s specialist military rehabilitation centre, in mental health charity’s and more!

    At the core of my clinical role I helped people become confident doing things that they could no longer do due to injury or illness! During this career I received training that I still use now (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Motivational Interviewing). Much of my skillset has been transferrable to use in coaching clients now. I know my experience working in a regulated industry makes me a coach you can trust.

    I am certified coach with the Association For Coaching and completed my integrated certificate for Wellness and Resilience Coaching through Wellness Professionals At Work during 2020-2022.

    But this isn’t why you should work with me!!!

    If you place all your value on you qualifications and experience rather than who YOU are, then you’re in the right place!

    Work with me because…

    I highly value delivering EXCELLENCE

    I’m very proud to be accredited with the Association For Coaching. I’m a forever student in upleveling my coaching skills and I will go the extra mile for you as my client!

    YOU are important to me

    I do not place myself on a pedestal as better than you, my mentoring programmes are a collaborative PARTNERSHIP! I invest in getting to know EXACTLY who you are, what is blocking you and I’m committed to crafting the transformation you desire

    I’m not ALWAYS the ‘nice’ coach

    You are choosing to work with me to get a transformation. When I observe you self sabotaging, procrastinating, perfecting, people pleasing or being TOO critical of yourself I will call you out (and you’ll thank me for it!)

    I’m coming with ENERGY

    I’m passionate about what I do so none of your challenges will feel too much with the high level of support you are given. If doubt is getting in your way, I will be available at the other end of a voice note to turn what could be a bad day into a challenging moment

  • My experience has found that clients often experience ‘ah-ha’ moments around 40 minutes into a session and it’s not fair on you to cut this conversation short because we have to wrap up your session within an hour.

    90 minutes is the perfect amount of time to really allow the coaching conversation to flow. Every client who has worried about filling the time always say’s they don’t know where the time goes!

  • If you are booking into a discovery call with me, this tells me you are interested in working together and identify with having a challenge that you believe I could help you with.

    I WILL be telling you exactly how we can work together or else I wouldn’t be doing my job very well! If I observe self doubt getting in your way then I will support you using coaching techniques to recognise this.

    Ultimately, the discovery call is about YOU. I never expect anyone to commit to working together on a call. After your call you will receive a bespoke proposal outlining how we can work together to meet your specific needs and we will agree when we will follow up with next steps.

  • If you are investing in 1:1 mentoring wit me I offer 3 month and 6 month payments plans. We can discuss this further in your disovery call.

  • Liberation is my number one mission!! Liberation is the source of your freedom from doubt, permission to be your WHOLE authentic self and how you will live a life full of more fun, fulfilment and ease! This is at the centre of why I choose particular practices, approaches and exercises to work through with you

  • That’s great – I’d love to chat with you! Book your free 30 minute discovery call or message me directly via instagram @emmaeldercoaching

Confused about where to start?

I have a signature 3 month 1:1 mentoring programme, one off power hour sessions or multiple ways to access FREE coaching support with my masterclasses & podcasts.

It is SO important to me that working together feels like a PARTNERSHIP from the beginning. To ensure we both have crystal clear clarity on the transformation you desire and exactly HOW my expertise will get you there, book in my free 30 minute discovery call. We will discover EXACTLY what you feel blocked with right now, I’ll send you a bespoke proposal outlining how we can work together to meet your specific needs.

Alternatively, message me over on Instagram @emmaeldercoaching for other help or support!